Monday, January 21, 2008

Okay look, we have showers in this dorm, they are upstairs and the water is nice and warm. Don't be afraid to take a shower.
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Unknown said...

Bwuahahaaa!! Don't you just HATE those dormies that wander around all stinky & green?! :P

HappySimmer10 said...

Ha ha ha! Sometimes you just have to tell a person they SMELL!

Marcie said...

I don't recall if he ever took a shower while Brit and James were in the dorms

SuziCat said...

Ha ha, "Don't be afraid to take a shower!"

Marcie said...

Lol! Yeah it's fun to have a grouchy sim who is a neat freak, cause James has a 8 or 9 in neatness